
Community Profile

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Development of profile framework, collating publicly available data, representative sampling of rates database with detailed analysis and interactive dashboard.

Community Profile framework and development

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Development of a framework for Council's community profile, then put together the profile document using publicly available data. Included an intranet site for Council staff.

Environment Education Evaluation

For this project we developed a framework for evaluating Councils’ environmental education programs.

A number of workshops were held to understand current program provision and evaluation needs. We then developed a set of tools to ensure consistent evaluation across all programs at Council, and then trained staff on using this toolkit.

Domestic Animal Management Plan Community Engagement

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Assisted a local Council with developing a community engagement framework and implementing a representative community survey (mail-out), general community survey (online and paper), data combining, analysis and reporting, and first draft of the DAMP.

Strategic Planning benchmarking

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Set up a dynamic excel form for collecting administrative data from seven Councils. Collected data was combined and analysed, with the production of a clear and consise analysis report to assist with service planning.

Council Plan Engagement

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Assisted a local council with the design, analysis and evaluation of community engagement to inform their Council Plan.

Limesurvey training

Provided 2 x 1 hour training sessions for a staff member on use of the online survey software package Limesurvey.

Understanding and supporting Young People


Developed a youth profile for Banyule municipality, a youth needs assessment, and an overview of the Youth Services sector.

Privacy Principles Training

Data management training package for employees.