ASDF provides a range of services to assist with the surveying aspect of social research and evaluation, as follows:

  • Design of research and evaluation surveys that are appropriate for both the target market and the research method being used (eg. online versus telephone).
  • Programming of online surveys. We use the open source survey software limesurvey, installed on a secure server in Australia. Therefore there is no need to worry about Australian Privacy Principal 8 – cross border disclosure of personal information.
  • Graphic design of paper based surveys using client style guides to maximise accuracy of responses and ensure respondent satifaction with the experience.
  • Cognitive testing of surveys to ensure consistent and correct interpretation of questions across the target market and maximise response rates (incomplete surveys can occur when people don’t understand questions). Cognitive testing involves observing an individual completing an online or paper survey, and then discussing the questions and their responses with them.
  • Training of survey interviewers for either telephone or intercept surveys.

A fact sheet about Online Survey considerations and how we can help can be found here.

We also have 3 iPads we can lend you for intercept surveys. Further information about these can be found on the iPads page.

Some examples of work we have conducted in this area follow…

Safety Survey


Representative sampling of rates database with detailed analysis and interactive dashboard.

Healthy Tracks to School

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Online surveys with parents and students at selected schools. Included detailed analysis document.

Community Profile

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Development of profile framework, collating publicly available data, representative sampling of rates database with detailed analysis and interactive dashboard.

DEWLP Planning Digital Audit

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100% response rate with Victorian Local Council planning departments to help understand digital capabilities.

DAMP engagement

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Representative sampling of rates database with detailed analysis.

Community Vision research


Analysis of data collected by Council to inform their Community Vision.