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Data Source: PHIDU, 2016
Description: The Social Health Atlases of Australia in this section present the earlier release data in spreadsheets (xls) by Statistical Local Area (SLA), Local Government Area (LGA), Medicare Local (ML), Local Hospital Network (LHN), Population Health Area (PHA) or Primary Health Network (PHN) for the whole of Australia.
Topic: health, local hospital network,
Coverage: LGA, SLA, SA2, Australia, Victoria, State, fertility, education, AEDI, Learning or earning, families, housing, transport, income, internet, labor force, SEIFA, volunteering, childcare, financial stress, transport barriers, birth weight, immunisation, infant deaths, health screening, self assessment health, chronic disease, psychological distress, health risk, disability, premature mortality, private health insurance, screening, MBS, HACC, aged care, hospital admissions
Last updated: 2022
Next update due:
Notes: Data in spreadsheet has various dates of release

in Health and Wellbeing Tags: healthindicatorsmap